If you have flat feet, you might be wondering what caused it. There are quite a few myths that people tell about flat feet, how you get them, how they may or may not affect you and more. But do you think that your Achilles tendonitis caused your flat feet? Keep reading to learn more about what is happening with your feet.
What is Achilles Tendonitis?
Achilles tendonitis is when the Achilles tendon is inflamed and can cause extreme pain in your foot or ankle. This tendonitis is typically caused by somebody not properly stretching before exercising. It can even happen by not having the proper form while exercising. When the tendon is inflamed, you are more at risk for
tearing the tendon. Thankfully this condition heals if you take the time to properly treat your feet.
What is Flat Feet?
Flat feet is when the arch of your foot is lower than normal. This condition isn’t something that is acquired over time. You are either born with flat feet or without flat feet. Although you may not have any pain from your flat feet, you still need to contact a foot care specialist to treat your flat feet. Your flat feet are caused by the misalignment in your feet which made you more prone to develop Achilles tendonitis. But what is misalignment and why does it matter?
Understanding Misalignment
When you have flat feet, your
feet are misaligned. The ankle bone slips from the heel bone and causes a shift in the motion and the way they lay at rest. Foot misalignment causes a chain reaction in your body that can lead to pain not only in your feet, but in your knees, hips and your back. So if you have misalignment in your feet and haven’t experienced any pain in your feet, it is still important to get your misalignment treated. And there is a minimally invasive treatment option that you can learn more about.
Your Achilles tendonitis didn’t cause your flat feet. The misalignment in your feet caused your flat feet which made you more prone to developing Achilles tendonitis.