There is an age old question regarding the treatment of pediatric flat feet. There are physicians who say they should never be treated and that the child will just grow normal feet. Then, there is another group of physicians who say, it’s better to treat it...
First off, what is a bunion? A bunion, medically known as hallux valgus or hallux abductovalgus, is an enlargement of the bone by the big toe joint. These usually appear early in life and slowly get bigger and bigger. They can become very painful, limit the types of...
Every surgical procedure, no matter how minor, can develop an “issue.” This guide was written to address common concerns that can arise with the extra-osseous talotarsal stabilization (EOTTS) procedure. Your foot surgeon knows your situation the best. Any information...
Adult acquired flat foot can be a painful condition that often affects the quality of one’s life. Imagine you have pain with every step taken and are punished for exercising. This will severely affect one’s quality of life, general health, and mental...
Our feet have often been neglected and downplayed. Very little attention is given to one of the most used parts of our body, our feet. We brush our teeth 2 or 3 times a day, but barely look at our feet…that is, until your feet start hurting. Foot pain or pain...
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