There are many reasons for chronic back pain. Back pain is a symptom, a warning signal that something is wrong. So what’s wrong? And why have the other treatments failed?
There is a long list of possible causes of back pain. Of course, there are obvious reasons for developing back pain, like after a car accident. But what about the majority of people who develop back pain without having any traumatic or atraumatic injury? The “without-injury” forms are the type we are going to discuss here. An online search names conditions like muscle spasm, chronic inflammation/arthritis, wear-and-tear, herniated disc, bone spurs/pinched nerves. Those are all known to cause back pain but they are secondary conditions. There is a reason why the muscles go into spasm or why the disc in between the spine bones becomes compressed on one side more than the other.
Pain is always a warning sign that something is wrong!
The goal is to eliminate the “thing” that is pushing the pain sensor buttons. Like most diseases of the body, if the underlying cause is ignored or “unfixed”, then the back disease and pain will continue. The nerves of the back can become permanently damaged. There are associated mental issues of living with chronic pain, expenses of on-going treatments, and even surgery that don’t provide the expected relief. One’s quality of life becomes severely affected and it gets to the point where it seems like there is no point to live in so much pain.
Take a look at your feet. Our feet are the foundation to our body. When our feet are out-of-alignment this leads to a chain reaction up our body. The result of a misaligned foot is a misaligned back.
To further understand your back pain and find out what can be done about it, read the free eBook below!
The End to Chronic Back Pain
A proven option is HyProCure®. HyProCure has helped improve the quality of life in pediatric, adult and geriatric patients. Unlike other devices, HyProcure is internal solution for an internal problem as it fixes the faulty foot mechanics caused by misaligned feet. HyProCure is a small titanium stent that is inserted into the sinus tarsi fixing hyperpronation at its root by keeping the sinus tarsi in a stable open position as nature intended. This keeps your ankle bone from sliding forward and off of your heel bone and the rest of your body in its natural alignment.