When you slip on your favorite pair of shoes, are you finding yourself experiencing big toe pain? Have you noticed that you have a bump on your big toe? The pain that you are experiencing in your big toe can affect the way that you live your day-to-day life. Keep reading to learn more about bunions and the treatment option that you have.
What is a Bunion?
A bunion is a bump that forms on the base (or joint) of your big toe. It is common for this bump to be red and sore from rubbing on your shoes. Bunions can cause big toe pain when you are walking and can even hurt when you are resting. Let’s discover what causes bunions.
What Causes a Bunion?
The pressure on the big toe joint (metatarsophalangeal joint) is what causes the bunion. This pressure is caused by the misalignment that is found in the hind-foot. Most people with bunions have foot misalignment. This happens when the ankle bone slips off of the heel bone. It starts a chain reaction in the bones of the foot dislocating forward and to the side, adding additional pressure, and increasing bone growth on the outside of the bid toe, which results in the appearance of bunions. This foot misalignment is a result of a faulty foot structure related to genetics. If your mom has a bunion, then it is likely that you might get a bunion too if you have misaligned feet.
What Are Treatment Options?
Treatment options for bunions vary in price and actually solving the problem. It is common for people who have bunions to wear bunion pads or arch supports to try to protect and align the foot. But these options don’t fix the problem that caused the bunion in the first place. Fixing the misalignment in the foot is important to not only treat the bunion, but to help make sure that the bunion doesn’t come back. Lucky for you there is a minimally invasive option that can help you with your big toe pain today.