Are you one of the runners that think that your flat feet won’t affect your body? If so, then you my friend are wrong. This is a common myth that needs to be debunked before you continue to run with your flat feet and severely injure yourself. So what exactly can happen?
Flat Feet Basics
When you have flat feet, you also have misaligned feet. You may think that having misaligned feet won’t change the way you run or even live your day-to-day life. But having misaligned feet can be the cause of pain in other parts of your body, not just your feet.
There are people who have flat feet that don’t experience pain in the arches of their feet. If you are one of these people, it is still important to go to a foot care specialist to ensure that the running or training that you are doing isn’t injuring your foot and to fix the misalignment. Why is misalignment so important to fix if you don’t have pain in your feet?
Understanding Misalignment
The misalignment in your feet can cause a chain reaction throughout your body. This chain reaction can cause pain in your knees, hips or even your back. When you are a runner, you are already pushing your body to the max with your training and running. So the misalignment in your feet may cause the pain in the rest of your body to become chronic. It isn’t a matter of if this is going to happen to you, it is just a matter of time and when this will happen to you.
Do you already experience pain in your knees, hips or even your back? This can be caused by the misalignment in your feet. Imagine that you are running in a marathon without any pain in your body. Sounds amazing doesn’t it? By getting your misalignment treated you won’t only help the pain in your feet but treat the pain in your body caused by the misalignment. There is a minimally invasive option that can help you today!