Look down at your bare feet while you are standing. Do you find that your feet tend to roll inward more than other people’s feet do? Are you experiencing foot pain and you think that this might have something to do with it? If you are ready to learn more about why your feet roll inward and different treatment options available, then keep on reading.
What is Over-pronation?
Pronation is the inward motion of the ankle bone and outward motion of your foot when it hits the ground. Pronation is the normal placement of the foot. This allows for your body to adjust to different terrain. Over-pronation or hyperpronation is when your foot pronates more than normal. So your foot rolls outward at an unhealthy amount. This is caused by the misalignment in your foot. The misalignment is caused by the ankle bone slipping off of your heel bone which triggers a chain reaction throughout your foot.
Why Does This Matter?
The over-pronation creates strain on the ligaments and tendons found in the foot. This can cause bunions, hammertoes, plantar fasciitis and more. Over-pronation can be the reason why you are having foot pain. But in order to fix your over-pronation, you have to fix the root cause which is the misalignment that is found in your foot.
What to Do Now?
It is important to talk to a foot care specialist about the options you have to treat your over-pronation. There are a list of products that you can purchase to try to fix your foot problem. But you will most likely find yourself spending money on these products and they won’t fix the problem at all. There is a minimally invasive procedure that you can discuss with your foot care specialist.