Adult acquired flat foot can be a painful condition that often affects the quality of one’s life. Imagine you have pain with every step taken and are punished for exercising. This will severely affect one’s quality of life, general health, and mental status. This ebook below was written to help the reader get to the root of the problem, and to discover what treatment options make the most sense. Early treatment intervention is ideal, the longer one waits, could lead to limited treatment options.
What is Adult Acquired Flat Foot?
The description indicates that the person, an adult, developed a lowering of their arch as they aged. This implies that the person did not previously have a “flat” foot. One would assume, as a younger adult, they had a “normal” foot structure. Then later in life, at some point, their arch all of a sudden collapsed.
How do I Know if I Have it?
The first clue is to simply look at the arch of your foot. Someone with an aligned and stable foot structure will have a visible arch. If there is a lower than “normal” or absent arch, then you pretty much have a “flat” foot.
Why is it a Bad Thing?
An adult acquired “flat” foot is more than a cosmetic issue. The foot is the foundation of the body and a misaligned foot will lead to misalignment to the rest of the body. Consider that the foot is one of the most used parts of the body. We take thousands of steps every day. This adds up to tens of millions of steps by the time someone reaches 40 years of age. That’s millions and millions of times excessive forces are acting on the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, nerves and blood vessels in the foot, knee, hips and back.
Symptoms of a Misaligned, Adult “Acquired” Flat Foot
It is really important to understand that not all of the symptoms of a misaligned, flat foot will be found in the foot. Actually, the majority of symptoms will appear in the knees, hips, and back. The symptoms will occur in the area of the body where the abnormal forces are destroying the tissues. Most times children will not have any symptoms until they take 50 to 70 million steps, when they are 40 years old, or older.
Why Does it Occur?
If you don’t know whats wrong, how can you fix it? This is a very important question that has been studied by many researchers for a very long time. There will always be a debate, i.e. there are still people who think the Earth is flat.
To learn more about adult acquired flat foot, download our FREE ebook.