First off, what is a bunion? A bunion, medically known as hallux valgus or hallux abductovalgus, is an enlargement of the bone by the big toe joint. These usually appear early in life and slowly get bigger and bigger. They can become very painful, limit the types of shoes that can be worn, and affect your quality of life. Bunions are typically a symptom and are caused by an underlying bone deformity.
Why do Some People Get Them and Others Don’t?
Everyone’s foot structure is somewhat different. Some are more stable, whereas others are weaker and the bones become misaligned. Someone will have the start of a bunion deformity in their childhood. It is very rare for an adult to all-of-a-sudden “grow” a bunion. That is, “it wasn’t there yesterday and today when I put my socks on…there it was!” They are often inherited and can skip a generation (thanks, mom!).
Why Should You Seek Medical Attention for Your Bunion?
The sooner treatment is provided, the better the chance of success. The longer you wait for treatment could lessen the available treatment options. Unfortunately, there are many different medical opinions as to what is the best form of treatment. Some say do nothing and others rush you off to aggressive surgery. Lets learn a little more about this problem and see if we can discover a solution that makes sense.
Download a FREE copy of our latest ebook to learn more about bunions and treatment options.