You just realized that you might have flat or misaligned feet or maybe you have had flat feet for years. What does this mean for your fast-paced lifestyle? Fortunately, the majority of people who have flat feet don’t have flat feet pain. But you should still be concerned about how the alignment of your feet can affect you in other painful ways. Why does this matter if you aren’t in pain right now?
If you have flat feet and don’t go to a foot care specialist you need to make an appointment right now. If not you will see a few different problems in your future. Actually you are most likely already suffering from symptoms but never thought that they could be linked to your flat or misaligned feet. Flat feet are actually a symptom of the real problem – misalignment in your hindfoot.
The average person takes 6,000 to 10,000 steps in a day and you have roughly 4 to 5 times your weight traveling through your feet. So you can imagine when there is an excessive amount of force that is acting on the structures of your feet you could start to experience major pain points if you don’t treat your flat feet immediately.
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