Talotarsal dislocation is a common condition affecting millions of people of all ages throughout the world. It occurs when the ankle bone displaces off of its normal position and its contact points on the hind-foot bones. In other words, the balance of the ankle bone on the heel bone is lost. This creates an abnormal, inward rotation of the ankle bone and outer rotation of the rest of the foot, which in turn creates a fundamental imbalance of forces and weight distribution both in the foot itself, as well as in the rest of the body.
The effects of these imbalances in the body result in abnormal strain, pressures and excessive wear of joints, ligaments and bones throughout the musculoskeletal chain. As a result, many symptoms and secondary conditions are bound to occur. What’s worse is that medical attention is often only focused on the symptoms or secondary conditions and the root of the problem is ignored or under-treated. Without properly addressing talotarsal dislocation as the root of the problem, there will only be a temporary fix and the adverse side effects will most likely reoccur or simply shit to another part of the body.
Symptoms & Secondary Conditions
What are the effects?
- Heel pain
- Overpronation
- Bunions
- Heel spurs
- Tendon and ligament strain
- Knee, hip and back pain
- Neck and shoulder complications
It’s important to note that talotarsal dislocation will not resolve on its own, patients don’t grow out of it, and it’s not possible to reverse through exercise or physical therapy. It’s an internal problem.
A Solution
HyProCure® represents a real solution for talotarsal dislocation and its devastating effects throughout the body. It instantly corrects the problem at its root and immediately works on improving and even reversing many of the symptoms and secondary conditions resulting from this common deformity.
HyProCure is an internal stabilization device that is placed inside the foot. The procedure instantly stabilizes and re-aligns the hind-foot, which in turn also helps to correct the imbalances created in the rest of the body. The procedure is minimally invasive and it’s usually performed under local anesthesia or twilight sedation. Typically, most patients are back to normal walking withing a few weeks.